
Wednesday 27 March 2019

Wednesday 'Where are you at?' BLOG

How many credits so far?
- 8 Level 1
- 3 Level 2

What you need help with soon?
- Bio/Chem internal discussion
- English Formal Writing
-Health Assessment

 When is your next assessment due?
-Health Assessment (due Friday 29th March)

Thursday 28 February 2019


Social media was making her feel lonely.

Cuddled up alone in her room, she scrolled down her timeline and started to compare herself to the fake flawlessness.

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Yesterday we had Susan come in and talk to us about

Wednesday 13 February 2019

My dream job is to become a nurse. Something that's been going well for me is science because I am really enjoying the things we are learning. My next thing due is my English essay on creative writing. It is due on the 1st of March. I am going to need help with physics soon...

Thursday 7 February 2019

What went well for me in class this week?
- The thing that went well for me this week was my maths internal. I was a bit nervous to sit it because we studied it last year and I thought that I would've forgotten everything, but I went with confidence and come out with excellence.

The next internal is a Physics Assessment which is due on Friday.

Something I need help right now I Physics because I find it harder than all my other subjects.

Monday 15 October 2018

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility is about making decisions around your behaviour and involvement.
On Monday 15th October we played a Maori game called 'Jedi Dodgeball'. I think in the game i was level 3 because I showed a lot of those examples.

Level 3 is....

  • Shows respect
  • Makes good choices
  • Honest and fair
  • Admits mistakes and apologize
  • Works on activities independent of teachers 
  • Works with others to settle arguments quickly. 

I chose 3 because I showed a lot of these examples during the game we played.
I think in order for me to improve to a higher level I will have to do more complimenting and encouraging others.